Damp, wet and/or pappy eye (or both eyes)
Conspicuous feeding behavior: e.g. head tilting, preference for softer feeds such as kernels or fresh feed, crumbling of almonds, throwing feed
Weight loss, underweight
sneezing, nasal discharge
Salivating, drooling
Difficulty swallowing
Palpable bone flare-ups on the lower jaw
Protruding eye(s), altered intraocular pressure
Signs of pain such as whimpering, teeth grinding, apathy, aggression, excessive brushing, rubbing the head on the floor/objects, frequent pawing
over the mouth, squeezing eyes shut
too bright incisors
Digestive problems such as regurgitation, diarrhea, constipation or deformed feces
Proliferation of pathogenic bacteria, yeasts, giardia, possibly worms in the gastrointestinal tract
Neurological abnormalities: Symptoms of inner ear inflammation, seizures
- Hereditary/ genetic
- Incorrect nutrition during pregnancy and growth
- Incorrect diet (too little structured crude fiber, too little green/ roughage, too much concentrated feed and treats)
- Untreated/ unrecognized inflammatory processes
- Trauma/ fractures
- Consequence of diseases that are associated with too little or selective feed intake over a long period of time (e.g. heart disease)
- Age-related
- Mouth inspection
- X-ray images(!)
- CT images if necessary
- Individual-oriented, regular dental rehabilitation (teeth shortening, extraction, etc.)
- Pain medication (meloxicam, together with metamizole if necessary)
- Antibiotic
- Pup feeding if necessary
- In case of digestive disorders: Depending on the problem, among others, Colosan, Simeticon, cdVet Darm rein, etc.
For more details see:
Digestive tract
disorders → Therapy
- For deficiencies: Feed supplements e.g. cdVet MicroMineral