Flank breathing (in case of gasses in digestive tract)
Foul smelling feces
Few, very hard, very small, deformed feces
Abdominal pain signs (e.g. pressing the hind end to the floor, curved back)
Intimate area smeared with feces, fur or/ and furnishings
Dental diseases
Heart diseases
- And all other diseases possible: Because of weakened immune system and reduced or selective food intake, pathogenic germs and yeasts can
multiply undisturbed, and parasites can settle and multiply more easily
Wrong diet (especially too rich in carbohydrates, too much concentrated feed, too little roughage and green fodder, too one-sided)
Consequence of treatment with certain agents (Nystatin, Panacur, Metronidazol etc.) or more rarely because of antibiotic administration
Too fast change of feed in case of pre-damaged digestive tract or sensitive animals
- Palpate the abdomen
- Listening
- X-ray
- (fecal examination)
Treat primary disease or find cause!
Diarrhea: Colosan, if necessary BeneBac/ cdVet Darm Aktiv, if necessary feeding
Gassing up: Sab Simplex, Colosan, abdominal massages, if necessary BeneBac/ cdVet Darm Aktiv, if necessary MCP, if necessary feeding
Constipation: Paraffin oil, Colosan, abdominal massages, if necessary BeneBac/ cdVet Darm Aktiv, if necessary MCP, do not feed if faeces are not produced
In case of heavy infestation of giardia/ worms/ yeasts: 6-8 week course with black cumin oil + CdVet DarmRein + if necessary Darm Aktiv
- For deficiency states: Nutritional supplements e.g. cdVet MicroMineral
- Pure healing earth for bathing
- Warmth (SnuggelSafe, cherry stone pillow, red light - animal must be able to withdraw from the warmth at any time!)
- If necessary antibiotic and painkiller (Metamizol)