- Weight loss, underweight
- Loss of appetite
- In light-colored animals, the ears turn red during physical exertion
- Animal lies down more often than "normal
- Growth disturbances in young animals
- Conspicuous breathing: breathing frequency too fast or too slow, flank breathing
- Limited physical endurance, faster or more frequent exhaustion e.g. during/after free run time
- Animal props itself up
- Behavioral abnormalities such as inexplicable aggression towards the owner or/ and partner animal(s), apathy or short-term hyperactivity, sometimes alternating phases between
all the behaviors; change of character
- Pulmonary edema
- Regurgitation, diarrhea, constipation
- Seizures
- Dental problems: tooth roots too long, occlusal surfaces too long, inclined teeth, incisors too light, tooth substance damage, etc. (due to too little or selective feed
- Congenital
- Result of untreated inflammation and other diseases
- Age-related
- Thorough heart listening
- X-rays of the jaw
- Ultrasound if necessary
Depending on the severity:
- Herbal heart medication (e.g. Cardio Liquid) or/ and
- conventional medicine (Pimobendan, ACE inhibitors)
- In case of water in lungs additionally:
- Diuretic (e.g. Furosemide)
- Feeding with pup for rodents if necessary
- In case of digestive disorders: Depending on the problem, among others, Colosan, Simeticon, cdVet Darm rein etc.
- For more details see under: Digestive tract disorders → Therapy
- For deficiencies: Feed supplements e.g. cdVet MicroMineral