The herbs, houseplants and flowers are together with braches, hay and gras the main food for chinchillas. Dried as a mixture, they should daily be given. Fresh they should be offered as often as possible.
Feeding instruction:
A |
Alchemilla: unproblematic, regulate hormone balance |
Alfalfa/ Lucerne: selective, may bloat, therefore only if you don't feed pellets |
Alfalfa, sickle (also called Medicago falcata, yellow lucerne, yellow-flowered alfalfa, yellow alfalfa, sickle medick and yellow medick): selective, may bloat, therefore only if you don't feed pellets |
Amaranth: unproblematic |
Angelica archangelica (also called garden angelica, wild celery, and Norwegian angelica): selective, danger of confusion with other poisonous Apiaceae or Umbelliferae |
Angelica sylvestris/ wild angelica: selective, danger of confusion with other poisonous Apiaceae or Umbelliferae |
Artichoke herb: unproblematic |
Asters: unproblematic, beware of Callistephus because of insecticides |
B |
Bamboo (baby bamboo, bamboo grass, garden bamboo - all kinds): unproblematic |
Banana plant: unproblematic |
Basil: selective |
Bedstraw/ Galium: unproblematic |
Bellflower/ Campanula: unproblematic |
Bistort/ Bistorta officinalis: unproblematic |
Bittercress (also called herb barbara, rocketcress, yellow rocketcress, winter rocket, and wound rocket): unproblematic |
Borage/ starflower: selective |
Buttercup (also called Ranunculus, spearworts, and water crowfoots): selective |
C |
Cabbage / wild cabbage: selective, may bloat, therefore only if you don't feed pellets |
Cactus grandiflorus: unproblematic |
Callisia repens/ Creeping inchplant and other Callisia/ roselings: unproblematic, good beginner plant |
Caraway: selective |
Centaurea (also called centaury, centory, starthistles, knapweeds, bluets, loggerheads, basketflowers or cornflowers), (all): unproblematic |
Chamomile/ Anthemis: unproblematic |
Chamomile/ Chamaemelum nobile: unproblematic |
Chamomile/ Matricaria chamomilla: unproblematic |
Chervil: unproblematic, danger of confusion with other poisonous Apiaceae or Umbelliferae |
Chicory (common): unproblematic, good beginner plant |
Chrysanthemums (also called mums or chrysanths): selective, especially the flowers are delicious |
Clover, bur-/ medick: selective, may bloat, therefore only if you don't feed pellets |
Clover, red: selective, may bloat, therefore only if you don't feed pellets |
Clover, white: selective, may bloat, therefore only if you don't feed pellets |
Coltsfoot/ Tussilago farfara: selective |
Comfrey: selective |
Coontails/ hornworts: unproblematic |
Coriander: selective |
Cornflower: unproblematic |
Cress (all): selective |
D |
Dahlia: unproblematic, especially the flowers are delicious |
Daisy (common), (also called Bellis perennis, lawn daisy or English daisy): unproblematic, good beginner plant |
Dandelion: unproblematic, good beginner plant |
Dandelion salad / Catalogna: unproblematic, good beginner plant |
Dandelion, fall/ autumn hawkbit: unproblematic |
Dinkel herb, green: selective with ears, otherwise unproblematic |
Dill: selective |
Dracaena: unproblematic |
E |
Echinacea/ coneflowers: unproblematic |
Elecampane: selective |
Endive/ escarole: unproblematic |
Eupatorium cannabinum (also called hemp-agrimony or holy rope): selective |
Evening primrose (also called Oenothera, suncups or sundrops): selective |
F |
Fennel herb: unproblematic |
Field pennycress/ Thlaspi arvense: unproblematic |
Flax/ Linum: unproblematic |
Flores graminis: unproblematic |
Forked catchfly: selective |
G |
Galinsoga: unproblematic |
Glechoma hederacea (also called ground-ivy, gill-over-the-ground, creeping charlie, alehoof, tunhoof, catsfoot, field balm, run-away-robin or creeping jenny): selective |
Goatsbeard/ salsify: unproblematic |
Goosefoot, white (also called Chenopodium album, lamb's quarters, melde, fat-hen or pigweed): unproblematic |
Grass/ Poaceae (all): unproblematic |
Ground elder (also called herb gerard, bishop's weed, goutweed, gout wort, snow-in-the-mountain, English masterwort or wild masterwort): unproblematic |
H |
Heather, common (also called Calluna vulgaris or ling): selective |
Hibiscus/ rose mallow: unproblematic |
Hogweed (also called common hogweed, cow parsnip or eltrot): unproblematic, good beginner plant |
Hop (common)/ Humulus lupulus: selective |
Horseweed (also called Canadian fleabane, coltstail, marestail, and butterweed): unproblematic, good beginner plant |
Hypochaeris radicata (also called catsear, flatweed, cat's-ear, hairy cat's ear or false dandelion): unproblematic |
I |
J |
K |
Knotgrass (common): unproblematic |
L |
Lavender: selective |
Lovage: unproblematic |
Lupine: selective, may bloat, therefore only if you don't feed pellets |
Lucerne/Alfalfa: selective, may bloat, therefore only if you don't feed pellets |
M |
Mayweed/ Tripleurospermum: unproblematic |
Meum athamanticum (also named Baldmoney, Spignel and Meu): selective |
Millet (the herb, not the seeds): unproblematic |
Mouse-ear hawkweed/ Hieracium pilosella: unproblematic |
Mugwort (also called riverside wormwood, felon herb, chrysanthemum weed, wild wormwood, old Uncle Henry, sailor's tobacco, naughty man, old man or St. John's plant): selective |
Mullein/ Verbascum: selective |
N |
O |
Oats/ Avena: with ears selective, without ears unproblematic |
Onobrychis/ sainfoins: selective, only without pellet feeding |
Opuntia/ Prickly pear: unproblematic |
P |
Perforate St John's-wort/ Hypericum perforatum: selective |
Pimpinella: unproblematic |
Pineappleweed/ Matricaria discoidea: unproblematic |
Potentilla (also called cinquefoils, tormentils or barren strawberries), (all): unproblematic |
Prickly lettuce/ Lactuca serriola: unproblematic |
Q |
Queen of the night/ Selenicereus grandiflorus: unproblematic |
R |
Rumex (all): selective |
S |
Salad burnet/ Sanguisorba minor: unproblematic |
Savory: selective |
Shepherd's purse/ Capsella: unproblematic |
Spider plant/ Chlorophytum comosum: unproblematic |
Strawberry herb: unproblematic |
T |
Tarragon/ estragon: selective |
Thistle (all): unproblematic, should be dried and only fed without spines because of the risk of injury |
Tormentil (common) (also called septfoil or erect cinquefoil): selective |
U |
V |
Valeriana/ valerians: selective |
Veronica (also called speedwell, bird's eye, and gypsyweed): unproblematic, good beginner plant |
W |
Wild buckwheat/ Fallopia convolvulus: unproblematic |
X |
Y |
Z |